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5 tips to stay productive
while working from home

For those of us used to working 9-5 in office, self-quarantine can be a bit of a nightmare. Home is full of distractions– laundry, kids, TV, the internet, and snacks you want to demolish immediately, but are supposed to last you 2 weeks…

Staying focused and productive during self-quarantine can seem like an impossible task. Here are Chamber Media, we’re remote-working vets, so we’d like to share with you our top tips and tricks for staying productive while working from home!

1. Stay on the Same Schedule

It’s important to keep your body operating on its usual clock– get up at the same time you would normally and get to work when you normally would. This helps your brain understand that you are not in vacation mode, as well as keeps you working the same hours as your coworkers. That way, you can reach out and be able to communicate like normal. It also prevents you from procrastinating work until the evening– if you find yourself playing catch up late at night, you’re pretty much already doomed.

2. Get Dressed like You’re Going to Work

This is another great way of putting yourself in the right mindset of working– not playing or sleeping. While lazing around the house in sweats might seem fun, you subconsciously tell yourself that it’s time to slow down and relax since that’s what you normally do in those clothes. Outfits can have a huge psychological effect on us– power suits help us feel professional and powerful, Lululemon leggings help us want to work out, and a sexy red dress might help us feel confident on a date. Ask yourself what level of productivity you want to have during your day and dress accordingly. (Also, shower and brush your teeth. You’ll feel better. Trust us.)

3. Make Yourself a “Work Space”

Just like clothing, environment can make a big difference on your psychological state. For example, you probably won’t be quite as productive laying in bed as your are in the office. Create a work space in a guest room or corner of the house where you only do work stuff. Keep it neat and tidy. Clutter will only make you feel frustrated and distracted.

4. Take an Actual Lunch Break

That’s right. Plan out a specific time of the day to get up, put your work down, and mentally shift away from work while you eat. One of the most important parts of being productive is not burning yourself out. Recharge during lunch so you’ll be ready to be productive again once lunch is over. This also helps keep you on your normal schedule.


You heard us. Get up and take a walk every twenty minutes. Do some push-ups when you start feeling tired. Spend some time outside (toooootally fine during a quarantine). If you live near a park, take a lap. Get that oxygen flowing. Staying physically active is foundational to staying mentally active.

There you have it! 5 ways to stay productive and focused while working from home because of the coronavirus (or any other reason you might be working from home)!


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